Panel Type Cheat Sheet
This pages contains a list of all the available Panel Types and some basic information.
- Gauge
- Gauge chart with a min and max
- Pie Chart
- Vertical Bar Chart
- Horizontal Bar Chart
- Sorted Vertical Bar Chart
- Sorted Horizontal Bar Chart
- Line Chart
- Radial Chart
- Tree Map
- Single Value
- Dynamic Time
- Date Time updateable through a Data Source
- Supports multiple date/ time formats
- Table
- Progress Bar
- A percentage progress bar
- Calculates percentage dynamically with a Value and Target
- Image
- Uses an image url to display an image
- Prefix and suffix can be applied
- Video
- Uses a video url to display a video
- Prefix and suffix can be applied
Static Panels are set in the Dashboard builder and do not change with Data
- Website
- Uses an iframe to display a website. Please note: Not all websites allow this
- Current Date/ Time
- Display the current Date / Time in a configurable format
- Static Image
- Display an image via a url
- Static Video
- Display a video via a url
- Youtube
- Display a video video using its ID